Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cigarette Inspiration

As I walk the city streets and see thousands of cigarette buds I ponder their destination.

Something new. Something more dimensional. Going to start today... wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Calle 13 Poster

La Verdad / Photoshop     

Calle 13 is a phenomenal band. Their lyrics are far from the meaningless rhymes that is trending on the radio these days. This poster was created as a gift to the band for their concert in San Jose, May 21st. I continue to praise the band for their honesty and dedication to raising awareness on issues that affect millions.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The great Colombian writer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, left the physical world three and a half weeks ago on April 17th. His characters welcome him into their realm, the dimension of the immortal where he now resides.